Business details
Is your lawn full and lush? If not, does it have bare spots, brown areas, or thin weak grass? Lawn Enforcers refresh and beneficial services will give you that green lush lawn that you have always wanted.
Lawn aeration is the secret weapon in making your lawn healthy. Aeration involves making holes in the lawn either by pushing a rod into it or by “coring”, extracting a plug of soil. By aerating your lawn you provide the following benefits to your lawn and its root system:
Oxygen gets to the roots and the soil allowing it to “breathe”
Organic fertilizers and nutrients get access to the root system
Water is able to better soak the soil and reach the root system
Helps to break up thatch
Tight, compacted soil is loosened up allowing the root system to grow
Nemetode Grub Control
These Microscopic organisms are applied in a liquid form in the late summer or early fall. They work their way through the soil attacking the European chafer larvae (white grub).
Corn Gluten Meal
This 100% natural fetilizer and weed surpressant can be applied in the spring and fall to help control broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, plaintain and also will help reduce the germination of crabgrass. Remember that when used as a herbicide, it is a pre-emergent, so it must be applied before the weeds germinate in the spring.
( it is a liquid selective herbicide made of dairy products fermented by lactic acid bacteria. works well on legumes such as clover, black medic, birds foot trefoil etc.)
Soil life with yucca
(a blend of seaweed extract, carbon, yucca and soil amendments which help improve the overall soil structure while supporting beneficial micro-organisms found naturally in the soil ecosystem. This product helps revitalize soils that have become depleted and turns them back into a healthy environment. Also increases the effectiveness of your nematode application by keeping leaves wetter long and allowing nematodes to swim into soil)
(a natural fertilizer made from seaweed (kelp) with added micronutrients and other natural growth stimulants. Regular use of the biodegradable product will improve the health of plants making it less susceptible to environmental stressors such as drought and height temperatures, as well as faster recovery from insect and disease activity. very effective when over-seeding.)
Spring/Fall over seeding
(a spring blanket coat of seed for thickening the existing turf after snow and ice damage or in the fall after a summer of high levels of insect or disease damage.)
FiESTA Weed Control
(This new liquid , selective broad-leaf weed herbicide is approved for use in Ontario due to its low risk properties. Active ingredient is iron (present as FeHEDTA) is fast acting. Visible results can start to be seen as quickly as 5hours after application. Product is included in super lawn and Executive programs or sold as a beneficial service.)
Certifications and associations
Licenced Technicians & Licenced by the Ministry of the Environment
- Landscaping
- Commercial
- Free Estimates
- Residential
- Landscapes
- Landscaping & Maintenance
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Saturday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday