East Side Marios
900 Lasalle Blvd,

Business details
Welcome to East Side Mario’s Official Facebook page. Become a fan and get news about upcoming events, special offers and great insider info.
Please act responsibly when commenting and remember that this page is open to people of all ages.
While we encourage fans to voice their opinions, we ask that users of this page respect fellow community members and the posting guidelines of Facebook, and to understand that Prime Restaurants (parent company of East Side Mario's) reserves the right to remove postings that are:
1) abusive, defamatory or obscene
2) fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
3) in violation of any law or regulation
4) otherwise offensive in nature or tone
Any users who make the choice to violate or ignore these guidelines and post material that fall within any of these categories will be banned from the East Side Mario's fan page.
Please note that we do not necessarily endorse or are responsible for the accuracy of information, opinions, claims or advice shared here by fans.
We also reserve the right to delete any post that promotes or endorses other businesses or brands.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment