Village Enterprise Ltd.
#1653 PR Hwy 210, Box 220,Business details
Village Enterprises Limited (VEL) is a private, locally owned, high voltage electrical service company. VEL is proud to have served Manitoba businesses and residences for over 20 years.
We supply, install and service all types of customer owned high voltage apparatus, overhead power line and underground cable. We also install overhead and underground communication and fiber-optic cables, as well as underground conduit and pipe. Other companies may offer some of our services but no other private, Manitoba owned company directly has all of our capabilities.
Services include:
-Overhead & underground services
-HV terminations, splices & repairs
-Powerlines, service poles & lighting
-Transformers, switches & fusing
-Directional drilling & trenching
-24 Hour emergency services
-Repairs and maintenance
-Substation installation & maintenance
Contact us today to learn more!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment