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It has been said that all disease begins in the colon, therefore more and more of us are choosing to recognize our self?responsibility for health and well being. This has led to a renewal of interest in so called natural, holistic methods of living and healing the body. One of these methods, as old as man`s civilization, is cleansing the colon. Originally, it was accomplished by squatting in a stream and drawing water up into the colon, then expelling it. In ancient Eygpt, a ram`s horn or gourd was hollowed out and utilized as the first primitve irrigation machine. Later, enema pots and plants(reeds) shaped in the form of tubing were constructed. Sophisticated colonic irrigation equipment was perfected just at the turn of the 20th century.
Unfortunately, many that are interested in colonics including members of the health profession are quite misinformed. This is my attempt to dispel the lack of and misinformation that now exists. The questions are those most commonly asked of a therapist, and many other health professionals. An attempt has been made to answer the questions in a way that represents the viewpoint of the majority, if not all, professional colon therapists.