Frank (Farshad) Modirmassihai
2145 Avenue Rd,Business details
For over 50 years, Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage has been dedicated to offering professional service to all of our customers.
We uphold a standard of excellence and service unparalleled in today’s ever-changing real estate industry. Our dedicated Real Estate professionals work together to form a powerful and committed sales force. Our team has earned the distinction of being the Number One office in all of Toronto in the dollar value of MLS listings sold and the number of MLS listings sold from 1996 - 2008.*
Our commitment to excellence is founded upon honesty and integrity. We stand behind these ideals in each and every one of our transactions. Our reputation, enormous referral network and affiliations are proving it.
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage - we focus on your individual needs and hope to bring you a lifetime full of successful real estate experiences.
Contact me today for more information. I would love to help!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment